Seattle Public Schools

Programs and Career Pathways

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Pathways

Is this the right pathway for me?

  • 你喜欢解决问题和探索事物是如何运作的吗? 
  • 你对学习和应用科学原理和技术感兴趣吗? 
  • 你是否有创新的激情,并渴望对世界产生积极的影响? 

What is a STEM Pathway?

渴望成为21世纪技术创新和解决问题的先锋的学生将发现很多让他们着迷于科学的东西, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Career Cluster. 

Robot on board for class activity

The Engineering and Math pathway focuses on planning, managing, 并提供科学研究和专业技术服务, including laboratory and testing services, and research and development services. 那些选择这一职业的人在现实世界中应用基本的数学和科学内容和技能. 

What sort of work would I do?

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, (数学)提供了一系列令人兴奋和多样化的职业机会. In science, you can become a biologist, chemist, or physicist, exploring the mysteries of the natural world. Technology careers include roles like software developer, data scientist, and cybersecurity analyst, focusing on innovation and problem-solving. 工程学为土木工程师等职业打开了大门, electrical engineer, or aerospace engineer, 包括结构和系统的设计和创造. Mathematics leads to careers like mathematician, statistician, or actuary, 分析技能应用于解决复杂问题的地方. STEM领域是动态的,为各个行业的进步提供了一条途径, 从医疗保健和环境科学到信息技术等. 

Leads to these Careers

  • Environmental Scientist 
  • Aerospace Engineer 
  • Civil Engineer 
  • UX/UI Designer 
  • Robotics Engineer 
  • Statistician 
  • Geoscientist 
  • Data Scientist 

In-Demand Occupations

Typical Education Required Career Title Average Annual Salary Job Outlook in WA State (2020-2030) 
Associate’s Degree (or Certificate) Civil Engineering Technologist $74,383 7% increase 
Bachelor’s Degree Architectural and Engineering Manager $159,536 8% increase 
Master’s Degree Statistician $109,300 35% increase 
Check Career One Stop, Bureau of Labor Statistics for updated career trends

What Courses can I take now?


通过与NASA共同开发的实际工程项目, students learn about aerodynamics, astronautics, space-life sciences, 以及系统工程(包括研究像火星探测器这样的智能交通工具). 离开这门课的学生们了解了物理定律和力是如何允许飞行的. 他们可以识别和理解飞机的部件, aircraft propulsion, 了解无线电导航和空域(ATC)规则, and primary flight instruments. 学生在复合测试部分生成和执行非破坏性和破坏性测试, 并建立和评估模型滑翔机的设计和飞行特性.

Course Numbers: HCT1829, HCT1830

土木工程建筑课程顺序向学生介绍工程, construction and or architectural fields. 学生将使用工业标准的计算机辅助设计(CAD)软件来获得最先进的图形训练. 课程包括计算机制图方面的指导和实践培训, construction materials and processes, basic engineering mechanics, and architectural cost estimating. Additional topics covered include plot planning, floor and foundation planning, wall construction, window selection, stairway planning and roof construction.  

Course numbers: HCT4195, HCT4196 

项目领导(预工程)计划的一部分, 本课程包括应用数字逻辑的研究. 将向学生介绍电子游戏中的数字电路, watches, calculators, digital cameras, and thousands of other devices. 学生将学习数字逻辑的应用,以及如何使用数字设备来控制自动化设备. 数字电路的使用几乎存在于我们生活的各个方面,其使用正在迅速增加. 本课程类似于大学第一学期的课程,是学生探索工程或工程技术职业的重要课程.  

Course numbers: HCT1575, HCT2315 

Credentials: Dual Credit and Autodesk Fusion 360 Certification 

项目先行(预工程)计划启动的一部分, 这是一门培养学生解决问题能力的入门课程, 重点放在三维实体模型的发展. 学生们的工作从素描简单的几何形状到应用一个实体建模计算机软件包. 他们将学习解决问题的设计过程,以及如何在工业中使用它来制造产品. 学生使用计算机辅助设计系统(CAD)来分析和评价产品设计. The techniques learned, and equipment used, 是最先进的,目前正在被工程师使用吗.  

Course numbers: HCT1574, HCT2313 

Credentials: Dual Credit and Autodesk Fusion 360 Certification 

本课程是Project Lead the Way (Pre-Engineering)课程的第三门课程,是一门基础广泛的调查课程,旨在帮助学生了解工程和工程技术领域及其职业可能性. 学生将培养解决工程问题的技能,这些技能涉及到高等教育项目和工程职业. 他们将探索各种工程系统和制造过程. 他们还将学习工程师如何解决对技术变革的社会和政治后果的担忧.

Course numbers: HCT1576, HCT2311   

In this course sequence, students use motors, actuators, infrared vision sensors, sound sensors, and remote controls to build robots. They learn about the electronics, 使机器人工作成为可能的物理学和计算机编程. 学生设计机器人的用途,然后设计、建造、编程和操作它们. Students learn how robots are shaping the future.

Course numbers: HCT2415, HCT2519

Clubs and Activities at SPS

有兴趣了解更多有关STEM和机器人职业的信息? SPS学生有机会与他们的同学和老师一起加深和扩展他们的知识。. TSA and equivalent clubs host competitive events, provide leadership opportunities, and helps student prepare for career and college. Find a chapter at your school here

What training do I need after high school?

Aerospace Engineer 

  • Programs: 航空与航天工程学士学位 就职于华盛顿大学波音航空航天系
  • Focus: Design and testing of aircraft and spacecraft 
  • Opportunities: Internships at aerospace companies and NASA programs 

Robotics Engineer 


  • Pathways统计学或应用数学学士学位——从这里开始 Seattle Central, South Seattle or North Seattle College. 点击前面的链接了解更多关于数学转学学位的信息.
  • Skills: Data analysis, probability theory, software proficiency 
  • Opportunities: Internships in research institutes, government agencies 

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